Jumat, 01 Agustus 2008

When the sun shining

Wow look at the sun this morning...
Melting my frozen heart...

Try to look into the good side of my life...

Yesterday,I think everything will crash down...
And I stay below that ruins...
Just surrender...
And let love occupy my whole life...

I dont know what will happen tomorrow..
But today is better...
Praise the Lord

when the sun shining..
I dont want to sink into my hopelessness...
I dont want the darkness steals the gleam of the morning sun of mine.

2 komentar:

kaiikoko mengatakan...


Tak ada gading yang tak retak. Begitu kata pepatah menggambarkan
ketidaksempurnaan kita sebagai manusia yang kerap melakukan kesalahan. Meski
begitu, kesalahan tetap bisa dihindari atau diperbaiki. Termasuk
kesalahan-kesalahan yang kerap kita lakukan

Marly mengatakan...

Yup Kaii... Thx bwt tanggapannya..